Stupa Consecration 2019

Stupa Garden at KTZL Toronto Thrangu Centre

H. H. the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa visited our Centre in June 2017 and he endorsed the project of building a Stupa Garden as proposed by Lama Tashi Dondup . H.H. gave his blessing by planting two trees on site of the future stupa garden.
In July, 2018, The V.V. 9th Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche also gave his blessing by planting two trees on the proposed site of the stupa garden.
The project of the Stupa Garden commenced in June 2019 by ordering 113 stupas from a rock company in China, which included 1 main stupa of 15 ft, a set of 8 auspicious stupas of 10 ft each and 110 stupas of 5 ft each.
With the support of all sponsors, the first shipment of stupas arrived in August, 2019 and other shipments arrived in the following months.
The preparatory works for the stupa consecration are immense and all Centre members are tirelessly involved in different stages making tsa tsa, mantra rolling, Sokshing under the guidance of Lama Tashi Dondup. Members have to observe the strict rules not to eat meat, egg, alcoholic drink, onion, chives and garlic while doing the preparatory works.
The preliminary foundations of the 8 auspicious stupas were completed in September, 2019 where knives and dagger were placed under the ground before putting in the concrete cement. It symbolizes peace and no war.
Special Pujas on Naga Day for the consecration of the naga bumpa on September 9, 2019. Vajrakiliya Puja was performed on Septemeber 13, 2019 for purification and dispelling obstacles.

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